Video Games: The Movie

      In the movie "Video Games" they went into good detail about some reasons why video games were successful. Firstly, it is like watching a movie but more interactive. No one has ever experienced something like that before the release of video games. Secondly, it allowed the players to try on a personality that they could not have experienced in the past. So pretty much becoming a different person. Once again this is a brand new experience at this time.their was no other way to do this in the past. that is video games secret to success.
      However in the 1980s the video game market crashed. Why you may ask because of developers like Atari were selling games at such a rushed pace that the quality of the games where so bad that in one case Atari had to dispove of over one million copies of their game E.T because of the fact that it was so bad.
      Art is a very controversial topic. I do think of video games as art because now days anything can be considered art from a blue line on white paper or a beautiful painting that took months to complete. in my opinion, if the video game developers took their time with development and it was beautifully produced. then I agree on calling it art.
      . The next generation of games I believe virtual reality. I believe this is the future because I see more consoles sporting VR and other company's producing their own VR consoles. although it may be a rapidly expanding sector. Their are some challenges that need to be overcome. Firstly their is the cost. the average VR setup (including all the necessary accessories) cost anywhere from 500 to 1000. plus on top of that you need a computer powerful enough to run the VR programs. the price to buy a PC of this caliper cost $1000+. Secondly, their is the health part of things. after playing VR for a long time you start to feel nauseous and then later if continued, you may throw up. if this problem is also solved. then I feel like VR could get even more popular. 
